Formación académica de Erika Lepiavka

| Psicóloga

Licenciatura en Psicólogía, Universidad Iberoamericana, 2008

| Psicoanalista

Formación Psicoanalítica, Asociación Psicoanalítica Internacional, 2020

Especialidad en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica, Sociedad Psicoanalítica de México, 2017

Maestría en Psicoanálisis, Sociedad Psicoanalítica de México, 2016

| Institucionales

Presidenta de IPSO, organización psicoanalítica compuesta por más de 3,000 profesionales de la salud de todo el mundo. IPSO es la International Psychoanalytical Studies Association.

2023-2025: Co-chair del Comité de relaciones IPA-IPSO.

2023: Chair de Vigésimo-septimo congreso IPSO, Mente en la Línea de Fuego. Cartagena, Colombia.

| Publicaciones

2024: "Dear institute..." / "A letter to Sociedad Psicoanalítica de México, Mexico City (1972)" / Routledge Editorial.

| Ponencias




Academic background of Erika Lepiavka

| Psychologist

B.A. in Psychology, Universidad Iberoamericana, 2008

| Psychoanalyst

Psychoanalytic Training, International Psychoanalytic Association, 2020

Specialization in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico, 2017

Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico, 2016.

| Institutional

2021-2025: President of IPSO, a psychoanalytic organization composed of more than 3,000 health professionals from around the world. IPSO is the International Psychoanalytical Studies Association.

2023-2025: Co-chair of the IPA-IPSO Relations Committee.

2023: Chair of the 27th IPSO Congress, Mind in the Line of Fire. Cartagena, Colombia.

| Publications

2024: “Dear institute...” / “A letter to Sociedad Psicoanalítica de México, Mexico City (1972)” / Routledge Editorial.

| Papers

We are made of identifications, presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the European Psychoanalytical Federation, Florence 2024.
Evolve or Expire, Is Psychoanalytical Training at a Precipice? Presented at the 2024 National Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2024.
The Deepest is the Skin, presented at the 27th International Psychoanalytic Studies Organization European Meeting, Berlin 2023.

When our Fields Burn, a Psychoanalytic Invitation on Thought. Presented at the 53rd Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association, Mind in the Line of Fire. Cartagena, Colombia. July 2023.
The Feminine and the Masculine of the Mexican, Presented at the 20th Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association. London, 2019.
The notion of time and its psychic places, presented at the XXX Congress of the Latin American Psychoanalytic Federation. Lima, 2018. Published in the journal Transformations.
La poesía como envoltura psíquica, presented at the XLIX Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association. Buenos Aires, 2016

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(C) Erika Lepiavka, Psicóloga & Psicoanalista
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