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The change begins with the firm decision to know oneself, to assume oneself, giving way to an authentic way of living...


About my profession

Hello, I am a Master in Psychology, with post-graduate training in the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM), with extensive institutional activity and training. I work in general clinical practice, and I team up with other colleagues and psychiatrists.

I work with adolescents and adults, thinking for each singular demand a particular framework, to understand together why conflicts and discomforts occur and thus be able to face them. I also team up with other psychologists and psychiatrists, broadening the spectrum of networked care.

In addition to CDMX, I work with patients from Latin America and the rest of the world, both in Spanish and English.

In addition to the private clinic, I also develop part of my activity in psychoanalytic teaching (transmission) as well as in the formation of groups of supervision of clinical cases with other colleagues; both virtual and face-to-face, alternating territories.

The psychoanalytic field has always been present in my life, starting with a personal experience that led me to today's professional practice. With continuous university and post-university training, having gone through several instances of care at university and institutional level, I am part of the International Psychoanalytical Studies Association (IPSO), of which I am currently its president (2021-2025).

IPSO brings together more than 4,000 professionals from all over the world, from the south (Argentina, Brazil, Chile...) to the north (United Kingdom, Ukraine, USA, Italy... to mention a few).

See more bio...

Notas de Blog +
A space of one´s own and a break from emotional inertia

Psychoanalysis provides us with our own reserved space that allows us to think about what and why what happens to us happens to us, often without being able to control our moods, affections, feelings and impulses and -also- the inhibitions to which we are subjected.

This space, built from trust, serves us to pause that daily emotional inertia, opening the way to reflection and personal self-knowledge, always unfinished, but that allows us to have more power of decision over our desires. It is a place of intimacy with oneself in order to be able to think about and account for the motivations and causes that cause us suffering, with a view to a lasting change that allows a greater balance in our lives.

Years of experience and ongoing training have taught me that each personal situation is unique, influenced directly and indirectly by various types of experiences and experiences throughout life, conscious and unconscious, in addition to the complexities of a troubled world that also affects and influences us.

Psychoanalysis, a challenge to destiny

It is true that there are predisposing factors that set us on a certain course in life, in the face of which we cannot fail to affirm that psychoanalysis is a science of anti-destiny, as the beloved psychoanalyst Luis Kancyper used to say.

A space where the knowledge of oneself and of those factors that lead us in life, gives us greater autonomy to make decisions and get out of difficult situations.

Psychoanalysis is not magic, but helps to obtain greater strength in the face of life's challenges, based on an exploration of one's own personality, aimed at discovering the truth of our own actions and sufferings in order to decide to change them.

Hello! It´s a pleasure to be able to comment here. I´m from New York and I met Erika looking for someone from Mexico. I´m the daughter of Mexicans and I wanted to do therapy with someone who understood my culture. I was pleasantly surprised, especially because of the good English she speaks!

(WEB - 2024/09/28)
Me alegra mucho haber podido dar con Érika. Pude resolver algunas problemáticas en mi relación con los demas.

Fernando González
(WEB - 2024/09/22)
Erika es una gran psicoanalista. También, una gran doctora y persona que empatiza con las emociones y sentimientos que pueden causar el miedo de atenderse con un profesional de la salud. Erika fue profesional en todo momento, definitivamente asistir es reconfortante y una experiencia transformadora.

Pedro Fuentes
(WEB - 2024/07/02)
Me sentí muy a gusto en el espacio. Me pudo ayudar a resolver algunas cuestiones que traía desde hace tiempo.

Federica Vetere
(WEB - 2024-05-22)
Esperé que transcurriera un tiempo para dejar una reseña, estuve asistiendo por lo menos un año a las sesiones, si bien los resultados de la terapia también dependen del compromiso del paciente, en tan solo los primeros meses noté un progreso importante que no había logrado con otros terapeutas de la misma corriente (o de diferentes) adicional a que las sesiones fueron de gran ayuda durante eventos importantes que me sucedieron ese año, me facilitó manejarlos. No sé si la cachorra era parte de la terapia, pero integrarla también me facilitaba relajarme durante las terapias.

Andrea C.
(WEB - 2024-03-17)
Erika es absolutamente profesional, las cotas siempre han sido con total puntualidad, tiene una capacidad para escuchar y empatizar conmigo. Las instalaciones me agradaron mucho y he sentido una gran mejora desde que asisto con ella.

Carlos M.
(WEB - 2023-08-29)
Erika fue puntual y las instalaciones son muy bonitas y cómodas. Me escuchó, fue empatica y me explico detalladamente sobre mi tratamiento.

(WEB Personal - 2023-06-08)
Excelente profesional y una gran persona. Me ayudó a poder conocerme mejor y a comprender mediante el psicoanálisis mis sentimientos y actitudes...

Alexander P. (Lima, Perú)
(WEB - 2023-01-02)
Quise esperar a poner una opinión ya que tuviera más sesiones. Después de varias visitas con diversos psicólogos, Erika ha sido la única con la que he podido entablar al grado de mantenerme comprometida con el proceso. Considero que es sumamente profesional y experta en su campo, en el poco tiempo de 1 mes he visto varios cambios pequeños pero significantes. No me imagino donde estaré en un año si continúo con el proceso! :) súper recomiendo que agenden una cita.

María P.Ch.
(WEB Personal - 2022-12-16)


Welcome to my psychology and psychoanalysis site. You will find all the information about me as a psychoanalyst.

(C) Erika Lepiavka, Psychologist & Psychoanalyst
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Atención psicológica en español e inglés en CDMX en forma virtual para residentes y también para no residentes que viven fuera de la Ciudad e incluso en el extranjero. Las sesiones de psicología se realizan en forma presencial en consultorio en La Condesa, CIudad de México. Las consultas online, tanto en castellano como en inglés, se pueden concretar a través de WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, GoogleMeet. La consulta psicoterapéutica, en caso de acordarse un primer encuentro, se deben abonar previamente para asegurar el espacio.

Psychological care in Spanish and English in CDMX in a virtual way for residents and also for non-residents living outside the City and even abroad. The psychology sessions are held in person at our office in La Condesa, Mexico City. Online consultations, both in Spanish and English, can be arranged through WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, GoogleMeet. The psychotherapeutic consultation, in case a first meeting is arranged, must be paid in advance to ensure the space.

Soy parte de una red de psicólogos con amplia formación para poder ofrecer una terapia psicológica, de enfoque psicodinámico. Esta red incluye el contacto permanente con diversas insituciones psicoanalíticas del mundo, lo que facilita el intercambio con colegas de muchos lugares, lo que enriquece nuestra práctica.

I am part of a network of psychologists with extensive training to be able to offer psychological therapy, with a psychodynamic approach. This network includes permanent contact with various psychoanalytic institutions around the world, which facilitates the exchange with colleagues from many places, which enriches our practice.

En mi trabajo profesional realizo una práctica psicodinámica, en la atención a adultos y adolescentes, que tiene como base una intensa formación en psicología y psicoanálisis, habiendo tomado herramientas producidas por los maestros como Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Donald W. Winicott, Anna Freud y otros post-freudianos que enriquecieron nuestro quehacer.

In my professional work I carry out a psychodynamic practice, in the care of adults and adolescents, which is based on an intense training in psychology and psychoanalysis, having taken tools produced by masters such as Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Donald W. Winicott, Anna Freud and other post-Freudians who enriched our work.